In 2012 new regulations took effect that affect drivers with multiple alcohol/drugged driving related conviction or incidents in New York. These regulations can have dramatic consequences.
Ok so 3 DWIs in 25 years is a relatively new rule that I’ve unfortunately been encountering more and more clients dealing with. Here’s the deal, in 2012 the New York DMV enacted new regulations that allows the dmv to look back over your driving history for the previous 25 years. They are looking for violations of 1192 and 1194. 3 or 4 alcohol events in 25 years means your license application following any revocation period will be denied for at least 5 years.
5 in 25 years results in the permanent denial of your license application in New York.
Now I know it seems like anyone with that many dwis should probably plan to not drive but trust me there are sad scenarios and draconian situations that arise as a result of these regulations. Further, the fact that they weren’t enacted via a legislative vote should give you pause about what punishment should look like in a democracy. But that’s a discussion for another day. Just know that for now these regulations are looming and could effect someone you know and love. Call us if you need help figuring out if this regulations affect you.